The Voice Of The Night

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The Voice Of The Night
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The Voice Of The Night
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Colin Jacobs is a shy kid who likes science fiction and horror. His parents are divorced, and he spends most of his time alone because his mother must work to support them. Colin has a hard time making friends, so he is overjoyed when Roy Borden, the most popular kid in school, takes him on as a best friend. As their friendship grows, Colin is disturbed by the secrets that Roy shares with him and decides that the friendship must end. Unfortunately, friendships with Roy aren't cleanly or safely ended. Colin's mother won't listen to his concerns and he has nowhere else to turn. Now, with the help of his new girlfriend Heather Lipshitz, Colin must find the courage to save himself from Roy.

My Rating = B +

"The Voice of the Night" is much more like a Koontz book than the previous "Brian Coffey" titles. The suspense level remains high throughout the novel and the outcome, while predictable, is effective.

Book Information

"The Voice of the Night" was the last of five novels that Dean Koontz published under the pseudonym "Brian Coffey". It was originally intended to be published under the "David Axton" pseudonym, but Lippincott refused to publish it without major changes to the last third of the book. Koontz declined to do so. When Doubleday agreed to publish the novel, Koontz attached the "Brain Coffey" moniker to it, despite having decided to retire that pseudonym after "The Face of Fear". The hardback edition is extremely difficult to find in anything other than an ex-library edition, and even those are expensive. If you should happen upon a first editon that is not an ex-library be prepared to take out a second mortgage on your house. The paperback, however, is plentiful and easy to locate at a reasonable price. "The Voice of the Night" was re-released under his own name in paperback by Berkley in 1991.

American First Edition Information

You have a first edition hardback if there is a $10.95 price on the inside front of the dustjacket, "First Edition" stated on the copyright page and the code "V19" on the inside margin of page 277. Curiously, the copyright page clearly shows Dean Koontz as the author. You have the first edition paperback if it states "First Signet Printing, August, 1981" above the number series "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9" on the copyright page.

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